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Elanor és hírek

Statement on the situation in Ukraine.

On behalf of our company, we would like to express our support for all those affected by the situation...

Payroll accountant lease

Did you lose your payroll accountant unexpectedly and have no one to hand over the agenda to?

Customer day

To inform our customers about news and changes in our SW, we hold customer days twice a year.

Instructional videos

We do not want to be left behind, which is why we strive to constantly improve our services!

Congratulations to entire project team!

Quality service is delivered mainly thanks to our employees who are pushing their career forward...

Elanor CEO invited country managers

We know that teamwork is the key to success! That is why we try to organize workshops and team meetings...

Notice of change

We would like to inform you that SC ELANOR SOLUTIONS SRL has changed its registered office.

International weekend with Elanor!

Short summary of the past international weekend with Elanor! 🌏 Thank you to our CEE country...

We spent Friday with our partners

We spent Friday, 15th October, with our partners VERIFIA, Advanto and Signi whom we would like to...

Customer days 2021

10th annual trade fair for human resources I HR DAYS, PVA EXPO PRAGUE This year we are also...