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General Terms of Email Communication

General Terms of Email Communication of Elanor Ltd.

Email communication of Elanor Ltd is subject to the following restrictions, which apply to all recipients of email messages sent by Elanor Ltd. from the domain

    1. Email Confidentiality 

  • Messages sent from the domain are intended solely for the recipient/recipients, and the information contained therein is confidential.
  • If you have received such a message by mistake, please note that disclosing, distributing, or creating copies of this message or its parts is unlawful.
  • Please notify the sender of the incorrect delivery and delete the message.

    2. Non-Binding Nature of Email Communication

  •  Any statements, promises, or offers contained in an email message do not establish the creation of any legal relationship binding Elanor Ltd.  
  • The communications contained in an email message are not an offer to enter into a contract or an acceptance of such an offer.
  • Commitments and agreements made by Elanor Ltd. via email communication must always be confirmed by a statutory representative of Elanor Ltd. or a person duly authorized by its statutory representative.

   3. Delivery and Virus-Free 

  • During the transmission of email messages, Elanor Ltd. cannot guarantee their timely and error-free delivery or the absence of viruses.
  • Therefore, Elanor Ltd. does not accept responsibility for any deficiencies caused by data transmission.

For any inquiries, please contact

Any subsequent objections to the actions of Elanor a.s. in accordance with these General Terms of Email Communication will not be considered.